god. so early leh. thn go LMS
agn. do work and other stuff,
thn went to meet joyce cutie at compassvale lrt.
thn suddenly, go in, got this ah pu neh neh
indian guy, farted LOUDLY. and me n cutie
laugh like siao. so many ppl seeing
until my face red agn. LOL.
thn suddenly wx n darren came. idk
hw they noe de. o.o . thn ltr,
jolyn came ! hohohoho.
thn we siao liao. lol.
thn , darren n wx go 1st, thn ltr,
went to buy bread. thn walk to meeting
place agn. (: .
thn ltr, bought ice cream,
bought mash potato(that's me) !
thn ltr, eat at the void deck thn so funny
got rdm ppl singing. hohoho. thn
laughed. thn ltr. chatted n ply.
thn ltr, go playground.
so many kiddos plying. LOL
so cute some. thn ltr. take pics, pics 2mr post ba. (:
thn ltr. chatted n laugh agn. thn ltr nighht le,
thirsty . rawrs, thn go buy drink . thn buy until
i left 20cent. whohooo. so happy. nv felt so rich before.
LOL. thn ltr, joyce cutie go help me borrow money.
thanks cutie. :D . hoho . thn ltr buy prawn cracker.
LOL. look like me sia. the prawn. LOL. thn siao le
ply don't forget the lyrics, thn blah blah. call my
father to drive us bck . thn we are plying wif our hair.
LOLLOL. ok thn . went home. bathed, dinner and do LMS,
left chinese and going sleep soon . damn tired.
meybe gonna see them 2mr ba. see they sick anots. ;x
hohoho <3 . loves them lot lot lot lot
lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot loTs <3
you steal i use my prawn power kill u uh ! rawrs!
& cass porridge dont love sick uhs, i will try to always
make u laugh de. okays ? hohohoho. muhahahaha. mukakakakak.
wakakakak. hoho. rmb. a laugh a day keeps my EZ link card AWAY!
hohoho. :D .